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This blog post will explore the intersectional inequalities and lived experiences of Deaf and deaf blind survivors, and survivors with disabilities going through violence and abuse as they are often ignored. Women who are Deaf and /or have disabilities are 2 to 4 times more likely to experience domestic violence than hearing or able bodied women. Around 22 Deaf women are at risk of abuse every day. In spite of this, Deaf survivors face significant barriers accessing support.

"Ramadhan brings out the beast in him. When he is fasting it’s more aggressive, if you say anything he can flare up" - Aasifa reflects on the holy month of Ramadhan and the extra struggles it can bring for women and girls.
A short reflection on interfaith week where we were invited by WIN and Faith Forums for London to speak on a panel with other inspirational women about the work we are doing for faith communities

Keeping the Faith emerges in the context the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, during which the ending violence against women and girls (VAWG) sector...

In May 2021 the Faith and VAWG Coalition partnered with the End Violence Against Women coalition (EVAW) to make a submission to the Law Commission’s consultation on Intimate Image Abuse.

We as the Faith and VAWG Coalition categorically condemn the racist murder of George Floyd and demand that all who were involved in his death be brought to justice...