Below you can find a list of downloadable documents that we have published

Just as, if some of us were to move to a new area, we may seek out a local gym or pub to socialise and connect with others with similar values and interests. This is the equivalent to seeking out your local religious community via a place of worship for people with faith or from faith-based/religious communities. This leaves faith leaders and communities to therefore, act as either gate openers or gate closers when it comes to preventing violence against women and girls. This is heavily dependent on the expertise knowledge and training of faith/community leaders when it comes to dealing with issues around this important topic.

This guidance was written at a time of global flux and national disruption in the second wave of lockdown in the UK. In the early weeks of 2021, representatives from FORWARD, Jewish Women’s Aid, Latin American Women’s Right Service, Muslim Youth Helpline, Restored, Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse, Welsh Women's Aid and advocates Natalie Collins and Nikki Dhillon-Keane came together to support efforts in the sector in contributing to the Domestic Abuse Bill consultation in preparations for it to receive royal assent on 29 April 2021.

An overview and its implications on Faith-based, Black and Minorities communities. TW: Please note, this paper discusses sensitive themes such as forced marriage that may be triggering for some readers.

Experts in violence against women and girls have set out our joint principles for the Online Safety Bill, highlighting why the Bill must include and address Online VAWG so women and girls can be free from harassment, abuse and threats online.

We as the Faith and VAWG Coalition categorically condemn the racist murder of George Floyd and demand that all who were involved in his death be brought to justice...

In May 2021 the Faith and VAWG Coalition partnered with the End Violence Against Women coalition (EVAW) to make a submission to the Law Commission’s consultation on Intimate Image Abuse.

Keeping the Faith emerges in the context the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, during which the ending violence against women and girls (VAWG) sector...